Home of the Eagles Since 1973

About LMHA

The Township of Langley and Langley City are situated on the traditional lands of the Coast Salish peoples, and in particular, we acknowledge our relationships with the q̓ʷɑ:n̓ƛ̓ən̓ (Kwantlen), q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie), Máthxwi (Matsqui) and Se’mya’me (Semiahmoo) First Nations.

Character Development On & Off the Ice

Welcome to Langley Minor Hockey Association, where the love of hockey is driven by a passion for community. We believe in the transformative power of hockey - beyond a sport, it’s a way of life. A way of life that instills values of respect, teamwork, sportsmanship, and fair play, building character both on and off the ice.

Our Values


One of the best things about joining a sport is your team.

We believe that teamwork and friendship are essential parts of Hockey. We encourage a strong sense of belonging and trust among our athletes and coaches because support, on and off the ice, is a crucial part of building confidence, skills, and a passion for hockey.


Hockey has the power to build character.

We strive to teach our athletes valuable lessons that extend beyond the rink. By demonstrating the importance of hard work, respect, good sportsmanship, integrity, and honesty, our goal is to teach our athletes to make ethical decisions so that they become not only better athletes but better people.


We are here to help our players and coaches grow.

We work hard to create an environment where players feel supported taking risks; learning from both success and failure. We foster a growth mindset among our athletes and coaches, to emphasize the value of effort, persistence, and resilience, so our players can grow in their self-esteem as they develop not only as hockey players but as individuals.


Hockey is a shared passion that brings us together.

Our hockey association is a place where people can come to build relationships, create memories, and support one another. Because of this, we are committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment for people from Langley to share their love of hockey. We give back to our community by working with our athletes and families to create a legacy that extends beyond the ice.


We are dedicated to our athletes, and our athletes are dedicated to Hockey.

We strive to support all our athletes so they can perform at their highest potential . Our coaches are equally dedicated to developing our athletes on a competitive and recreational level. No matter what level of play, our athletes are treated like all-stars - so they feel driven to excellence.

LMHA Board of Directors

Our association is made up of many amazing individuals who love the game of hockey and are invested in the success of the athletes. If you are unsure who to contact, please email: info@langleyminorhockey.ca.

Please refrain from contacting multiple board members with the same question or concern. Please also allow a minimum of 48-hours for a response.




*Denotes a non-voting role on the LMHA Board of Directors.

Excellence in Sport

Codes of Conduct

LMHA is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect. Members and participants shall conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with the values of LMHA which include respect, fairness, and integrity.